“Ah! Judgement thou art fled to brutish beasts and men have lost their reason”, these words have never before rung more truth than in these days of mankind’s travesty. Has the glamour of this so-called progress blinded him, or has his depraved soul turned a blind eye to the blistering sores in society?
Well, when the children hold up a mirror to the truth and show us where, we as an evolved species, have collectively gone wrong, there is no way, we can turn our backs.
That is exactly, what the Students of Grade 9, at National Public School Whitefield, did on 16 June 2021, the World Day against Child Labour. One of the evils, that make us hang our heads in shame, but very often we look, and choose to turn our heads away, not because the sight is ugly, but because the truth is hard to digest, that in some way, we are both responsible and condoning towards this act. Listening to children is vital to achieving success in the fight against Child Labour, is what was proved beyond a doubt by students of Class 9 as they came forward to express their views on Child Labour and its negative impacts through a meaningful assembly, to commemorate World Day against Child Labour.
Prayer and a relevant thought for the day, was presented, an insightful International and national news, was followed by an Interactive Quiz, which compelled the students to put on their thinking caps, to answer on a topic which has raised many an eyebrow. Passionate speeches, urged us to join hands against this social crime and highlighted how child labour is detrimental to society, as a whole, and what effective steps could be taken as responsible citizens to rid ourselves of this disease, which clings on as a leprous sore.
Well edited videos wound up the Assembly, to leave viewers, a bit wiser and slightly more aware. A large step is not what we are looking for, but we do realize that if complacency can be shed, the battle has definitely begun. These youngsters will certainly do their two pence worth, to make a difference.