All the stars came shining down into the virtual classrooms of grade 2 at NPS Whitefield during the Children's Day celebration. Classrooms filled with fun and frolic and joyous moments. Reminiscing the love and affection our ex-prime minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru had for the children whose birthday is celebrated as Children's Day, sincere efforts were made to make children feel special and effervescent!
Dazzling in their best dresses, the children bubbled with enthusiasm to share riddles, play games, perform dance and music. They were ecstatic about the address from the principal that set the mood for celebrating happiness and joy. While fun games kept them hooked ppt presentations displaying their pictures with adjectives had them spellbound.
The celebration concluded with breakfast time with their pals and teachers, exchanging opinions, likes, and dislikes making it harder to wait for another year to come by and leaving us all behind a thought, "Why can't every other day be Children's Day?"